I have too much to say for this blog. It couldn't, in any way, possibly contain the excitement I'm feeling right now. I'm feeling strong, confident, successful, accomplished, and very very very very very blessed. You see, a few weeks ago, I started to get a cold. And being a singer and all, that pretty much sucks. So, since I had been preparing for the Variety Show auditions (which were in like a week from when I got sick) for over a month beforehand, I was completely bummed out about this whole situation. I had decided that if my voice went out, that maybe it was God's way of letting me know that I need to re-direct the focus to him. So, I put on a smile, and faked that it was alright.
But heres the good part:
A day before the auditions, my voice started returning to normal, but I was still coughing and stuff, making it impossible to practice without me messing up the song. So, I went to school the next day feeling.....conflicted. I knew I wanted to audition more than anything else (due to the fact that I chickened out last year, and quickly walked out crying because of my fear of never being good enough). And God knows that too. But I wasn't sure if that is what God wanted me to do. I was still unsure of if I would be able to sing the somewhat high notes, but I knew that if I just tried, than it would be more than I did last year. So, I faced my fear dead on, and after about 3 hours of intensly practicing before the auditions, I did it. I went there, and did it. And you know what? It felt amazing. And the best part was that people that I never thought would ever say I had an good voice, or would ever compliment me on something like this, well, I'm pretty sure that I blew them away because they all complimented me on my performance afterwards. :)
Not only was I able to prove myself to everyone else, but I proved something to myself. I CAN do it. And I learned from all this that all you have to do, is TRY. :)
I hope this blog entry inspired someone to get out there and face their fears head on.
NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP. And I mean that. You never know what you can do unless you try.
And I honestly believe that God allowed my voice to heal just in time for this because He loves me. And He knows the desires of our hearts. He cares about what you care about. And this just proves that He is continually faithful.
In case any of you are wondering, the song I sang was "Believe In Me" by Demi Lovato. She is honestly an inspiration to me. And I'd like to pass that inspiration on to whoever reads this, along with everyone else.
Sami. :)
Ps- The sun is shining, it's warm outside, and God is amazing in so many ways. This might be the best spring so far. :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
All you have to do is.....try. :)
Variety Show