So, the last month or so (the time since I have last been on here) has been a whirlwind of crazy emotions. I became way too stressed for my own good at one point, but then God somehow changed everything, and gave me peace in the middle of a disaster. I love Him so much. I am glad that He is in my life.
Which brings me to yet another point. I am unwillingly in love with someone who sees me differently than I see them. I think you know what I am referring to, but just to clear things up, it is a certain someone in a certain class. Ok, maybe I'm not totally in love. I'm not quite sure what real, passionate love is really like. But I am trusting that God will provide a husband for me someday. The only problem is that there is someone I feel something for already. I keep reminding my self that it is just a crush. But there are times that I feel so much more than I've ever felt before, that I can't help but think to myself that this has got to be something more that what it is at the current moment.
I need to know if what I feel is mutual with this other person. And even if it isn't, I'd like to know that what I say and do, and who I am is intriguing to this person. Not in a, well, I'm not sure how to put this but I'll try, attractive (as in "sexy") way, but in a way of wanting to get to know more about each other and actually become friends. Because that is what I'm feeling. Currently, I'm not feeling any "cutsy", "overly romantic" feelings. But I feel as though I could talk to this person for hours, and I have this incredible want to get to know this person. I want to really know him. Not just be a cutsy, giggly, high-school, "romantic" crush, but an actual relationship, whether it be just friends for right now, or more than that.
There is one hangup, however. He's got a girl, and his girl and I are friends. Last time I saw her, I wanted to be excited, but I felt a little crushed because I saw them talking before. I'm not stupid. I know when people are feeling something more for each other. And although I spend the rest of the day convincing myself that they were just really good friends, I knew. I knew. And What is worse is that I knew I knew. I just didn't want to admit it to myself. The hardest part was learning that I was right all along. And I really didn't want it to be that way, but it is what it is. I was doing ok for a while there. I managed to get over that fact that they were back together, but then yesterday, I cried about it for maybe 5 seconds, and then I moved on. I refuse to let myself break over this.
But I do believe that God has allowed us to meet for a reason. Maybe he is teaching me to be patient and wait for my true love. I mean, I KNOW that I am willing to wait for heaven and earth to come for this boy (which is weird because I've NEVER been this patient about a crush in my whole entire life), but if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. No point in loosing sleep over things like this. Not anymore.
Anyways, Now that I've poured my heart and soul out to you, I have nothing left to say. Besides, this blog is getting a bit long anyways.
Love,with all my heart,
<3 Sami
"Firefly"- Jimmy Needham